Bsa radar 1.6.7234.24750 persistent crosssite scripting Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-06-24 | Type : webapps | Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Bsa radar 1.6.7234.24750 persistent crosssite scripting is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit title: BSA Radar 1.6.7234.24750 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting
# Exploit Author: William Summerhill
# Date: 2020-06-22
# Vendor homepage:
# Tested on: Window
# CVE-2020-14943

# Description: The "Firstname" and "Lastname" parameters in Global RADAR BSA Radar 1.6.7234.X
# are vulnerable to a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) via the Update User Profile feature
# (in the top-right of the application).

# Proof of Concept:

Using the "update user profile" feature in the top-right of the application while logged in,
a malicious user can inject malicious, unencoded scripts, such as "<script>alert(1)</script>",
into the Firstname and Lastname parameters of a user account. This stored XSS will execute on
nearly every application page as these parameters are always present while logged in. This attack
can be further leveraged by utilizing an existing authorization bypass exploit (CVE-2020-14944)
to inject stored XSS payloads into these parameters for arbitrary existing user accounts.
