Anuko time tracker password reset leading to account takeover Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-12-02 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Anuko time tracker password reset leading to account takeover is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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#Exploit Title: Anuko Time Tracker - Password Reset Vulnerability leading to Account Takeover
#Date: 2020-11-11
#Exploit Author: Mufaddal Masalawala
#Vendor Homepage:
#Software Link:
#Tested on: Kali Linux 2020.3
#CVE: CVE-2020-27422
#Proof Of Concept:
In Anuko Time Tracker v1.19.23.5311 and prior, the password reset link
emailed to the user doesn't expire once used, hence the attacker could use
the same link to take over the victim's account. An Attacker needs to have
the link for successful exploitation. A malicious user could use the same
password reset link of the victim multiple times to take over the account.
To exploit this vulnerability:

1. Goto 'Password Reset' module and enter any user's login name
2. Reset the password using the password reset link received in the email
3. Use the same link again after resetting the password once
4. Password is changed again using the previously used link.