CVE-2023-49798 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2023-49798 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 08/12/2023 | CVE Updated: 02/08/2024 | CVE Year: 2023
Source: GitHub_M | Vendor: OpenZeppelin | Product: openzeppelin-contracts

CVE-2023-49798 Description

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for smart contract development. A merge issue when porting the 5.0.1 patch to the 4.9 branch caused a line duplication. In the version of `Multicall.sol` released in `@openzeppelin/contracts@4.9.4` and `@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable@4.9.4`, all subcalls are executed twice. Concretely, this exposes a user to unintentionally duplicate operations like asset transfers. The duplicated delegatecall was removed in version 4.9.5. The 4.9.4 version is marked as deprecated. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: 5.9 MEDIUM
Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)* NETWORK
    Attack Complexity (AC)* HIGH
    Privileges Required (PR)* NONE
    User Interaction (UI)* NONE
    Scope (S)* UNCHANGED

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)* NONE
    Integrity Impact (I)* HIGH
    Availability Impact (A)* NONE

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name: CWE-670: Always-Incorrect Control Flow Implementation
Source: OpenZeppelin

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).