CVE-2023-38301 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2023-38301 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 22/04/2024 | CVE Updated: 02/08/2024 | CVE Year: 2023
Source: mitre | Vendor: n/a | Product: n/a

CVE-2023-38301 Description

An issue was discovered in a third-party component related to vendor.gsm.serial, shipped on devices from multiple device manufacturers. Various software builds for the BLU View 2, Boost Mobile Celero 5G, Sharp Rouvo V, Motorola Moto G Pure, Motorola Moto G Power, T-Mobile Revvl 6 Pro 5G, and T-Mobile Revvl V+ 5G devices leak the device serial number to a system property that can be accessed by any local app on the device without any permissions or special privileges. Google restricted third-party apps from directly obtaining non-resettable device identifiers in Android 10 and higher, but in these instances they are leaked by a high-privilege process and can be obtained indirectly. The software build fingerprints for each confirmed vulnerable device are as follows: BLU View 2 (BLU/B131DL/B130DL:11/RP1A.200720.011/1672046950:user/release-keys); Boost Mobile Celero 5G (Celero5G/Jupiter/Jupiter:11/RP1A.200720.011/SW_S98119AA1_V067:user/release-keys); Sharp Rouvo V (SHARP/VZW_STTM21VAPP/STTM21VAPP:12/SP1A.210812.016/1KN0_0_530:user/release-keys); Motorola Moto G Pure (motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:11/RRHS31.Q3-46-110-2/74844:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:11/RRHS31.Q3-46-110-7/5cde8:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:11/RRHS31.Q3-46-110-10/d67faa:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:11/RRHS31.Q3-46-110-13/b4a29:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:12/S3RH32.20-42-10/1c2540:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_trac/ellis:12/S3RHS32.20-42-13-2-1/6368dd:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_a/ellis:11/RRH31.Q3-46-50-2/20fec:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_vzw/ellis:11/RRH31.Q3-46-138/103bd:user/release-keys, motorola/ellis_vzw/ellis:11/RRHS31.Q3-46-138-2/e5502:user/release-keys, and motorola/ellis_vzw/ellis:12/S3RHS32.20-42-10-14-2/5e0b0:user/release-keys); Motorola Moto G Power (motorola/tonga_g/tonga:11/RRQ31.Q3-68-16-2/e5877:user/release-keys and motorola/tonga_g/tonga:12/S3RQS32.20-42-10-6/f876d3:user/release-keys); T-Mobile Revvl 6 Pro 5G (T-Mobile/Augusta/Augusta:12/SP1A.210812.016/SW_S98121AA1_V070:user/release-keys); and T-Mobile Revvl V+ 5G (T-Mobile/Sprout/Sprout:11/RP1A.200720.011/SW_S98115AA1_V077:user/release-keys). This malicious app reads from the "vendor.gsm.serial" system property to indirectly obtain the device serial number.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: n/a
Vector: n/a

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)*
    Attack Complexity (AC)*
    Privileges Required (PR)*
    User Interaction (UI)*
    Scope (S)*

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)*
    Integrity Impact (I)*
    Availability Impact (A)*

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name: n/a
Source: n/a

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).