CVE-2023-30857 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2023-30857 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 28/04/2023 | CVE Updated: 02/08/2024 | CVE Year: 2023
Source: GitHub_M | Vendor: aedart | Product: ion

CVE-2023-30857 Description

@aedart/support is the support package for Ion, a monorepo for JavaScript/TypeScript packages. Prior to version `0.6.1`, there is a possible prototype pollution issue for the `MetadataRecord`, when merged with a base class\' metadata object, in `meta` decorator from the `@aedart/support` package. The likelihood of exploitation is questionable, given that a class\'s metadata can only be set or altered when the class is decorated via `meta()`. Furthermore, object(s) of sensitive nature would have to be stored as metadata, before this can lead to a security impact. The issue has been patched in version `0.6.1`.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: 3.7 LOW
Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)* NETWORK
    Attack Complexity (AC)* HIGH
    Privileges Required (PR)* NONE
    User Interaction (UI)* NONE
    Scope (S)* UNCHANGED

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)* NONE
    Integrity Impact (I)* LOW
    Availability Impact (A)* NONE

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE-ID: CWE-1321
CWE Name: CWE-1321: Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ( Prototype Pollution )
Source: aedart

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).