Libarchive through 3.6.2 can cause directories to have world-writable permissions. The umask() call inside archive_write_disk_posix.c changes the umask of the whole process for a very short period of time; a race condition with another thread can lead to a permanent umask 0 setting. Such a race condition could lead to implicit directory creation with permissions 0777 (without the sticky bit), which means that any low-privileged local user can delete and rename files inside those directories.
CVSS Version: 3.1 |
Base Score: 3.9 LOW Vector: CVSS:3.1/AC:H/AV:L/A:N/C:L/I:L/PR:L/S:C/UI:R
l➤ Exploitability Metrics: Attack Vector (AV)* LOCAL Attack Complexity (AC)* HIGH Privileges Required (PR)* LOW User Interaction (UI)* REQUIRED Scope (S)* CHANGED