CVE-2020-22158 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2020-22158 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 14/09/2020 | CVE Updated: 04/08/2024 | CVE Year: 2020
Source: mitre | Vendor: n/a | Product: n/a

CVE-2020-22158 Description

MediaKind (formerly Ericsson) RX8200 5.13.3 devices are vulnerable to multiple reflected and stored XSS. An attacker has to inject JavaScript code directly in the "path" or "Services+ID" parameters and send the URL to a user in order to exploit reflected XSS. In the case of stored XSS, an attacker must modify the "name" parameter with the malicious code.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: n/a
Vector: n/a

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)*
    Attack Complexity (AC)*
    Privileges Required (PR)*
    User Interaction (UI)*
    Scope (S)*

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)*
    Integrity Impact (I)*
    Availability Impact (A)*

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name: n/a
Source: n/a

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).