CVE-2020-13386 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2020-13386 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 27/05/2020 | CVE Updated: 04/08/2024 | CVE Year: 2020
Source: mitre | Vendor: n/a | Product: n/a

CVE-2020-13386 Description

In SmartDraw 2020, the installer gives inherited write permissions to the Authenticated Users group on the SmartDraw 2020 installation folder. Additionally, when the product is installed, two scheduled tasks are created on the machine, SDMsgUpdate (Local) and SDMsgUpdate (TE). The scheduled tasks run in the context of the user who installed the product. Both scheduled tasks attempt to run the same binary, C:\SmartDraw 2020\Messages\SDNotify.exe. The folder Messages doesn\'t exist by default and (by extension) neither does SDNotify.exe. Due to the weak folder permissions, these can be created by any user. A malicious actor can therefore create a malicious SDNotify.exe binary, and have it automatically run, whenever the user who installed the product logs on to the machine. The malicious SDNotify.exe could, for example, create a new local administrator account on the machine.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: n/a
Vector: n/a

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)*
    Attack Complexity (AC)*
    Privileges Required (PR)*
    User Interaction (UI)*
    Scope (S)*

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)*
    Integrity Impact (I)*
    Availability Impact (A)*

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name: n/a
Source: n/a

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).