CVE-2019-3789 Vulnerability Details

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CVE-2019-3789 Metadata Quick Info

CVE Published: 24/04/2019 | CVE Updated: 17/09/2024 | CVE Year: 2019
Source: dell | Vendor: Cloud Foundry | Product: CF Routing

CVE-2019-3789 Description

Cloud Foundry Routing Release, all versions prior to 0.188.0, contains a vulnerability that can hijack the traffic to route services hosted outside the platform. A user with space developer permissions can create a private domain that shadows the external domain of the route service, and map that route to an app. When the gorouter receives traffic destined for the external route service, this traffic will instead be directed to the internal app using the shadow route.


CVSS Version: 3.1 | Base Score: n/a
Vector: n/a

l➤ Exploitability Metrics:
    Attack Vector (AV)*
    Attack Complexity (AC)*
    Privileges Required (PR)*
    User Interaction (UI)*
    Scope (S)*

l➤ Impact Metrics:
    Confidentiality Impact (C)*
    Integrity Impact (I)*
    Availability Impact (A)*

Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name: CWE-840: Business Logic Errors
Source: Cloud Foundry

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

CAPEC Description:

Source: NVD (National Vulnerability Database).