New Report Links Cybersecurity and Sustainability

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Publicated : 23/11/2024   Category : security

New Report Links Cybersecurity and Sustainability

Some have also created the role of chief sustainability officer, according to Kaspersky.

A vast majority of companies -- 98% -- say sustainability and a new C-suite role play an important role in improving cybersecurity, according to a new Kaspersky study. 
According to The State of Industrial Cybersecurity 2020, half of the companies surveyed say they have introduced technical measures to increase sustainability, 44% say theyre making investments in sustainability, and 44% are actually creating the role of chief sustainability officer within the organization.
For those who question the relationship between sustainability and cybersecurity, Kaspersky references a 2016
Harvard Business Review
article that explored the complex nature of successful sustainability efforts. The Kaspersky report also notes that cybersecurity can have an immediate and direct impact on environmental safety, partner relationships, and the safety of sensitive data and employees alike.
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New Report Links Cybersecurity and Sustainability