Microsoft Identifies Alleged Kelihos Botnet Operator

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Publicated : 01/01/2025   Category : security

Who is the alleged botnet operator behind Kelihos?

Microsoft has named Andrey N. Sabelnikov as the alleged botnet operator behind Kelihos, a network of infected computers used for sending out spam and stealing personal information.

What is Kelihos and how does it work?

Kelihos is a sophisticated botnet that operates by infecting computers with malware, allowing cyber criminals to remotely control these machines for various malicious purposes, such as sending out spam emails, stealing sensitive data, and launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

Why did Microsoft target Andrey N. Sabelnikov as the alleged operator behind Kelihos?

Microsoft conducted a thorough investigation and gathered sufficient evidence to link Andrey N. Sabelnikov to the creation and operation of Kelihos. The company filed a lawsuit against Sabelnikov in an effort to disrupt and dismantle the botnet network.

People Also Ask:

Here are some additional questions related to the Kelihos botnet and its alleged operator:

Is Kelihos still active?

Although Microsoft has taken legal action against Sabelnikov and other individuals associated with Kelihos, there is no guarantee that the botnet has been completely eradicated. Cyber security experts continue to monitor the situation to prevent any resurgence of Kelihos.

What are the potential consequences for Andrey N. Sabelnikov?

If proven guilty, Andrey N. Sabelnikov could face severe legal penalties for his involvement in operating the Kelihos botnet, including fines, imprisonment, and restrictions on his future activities in the cyber security field.

How can individuals protect themselves from botnet attacks like Kelihos?

To protect themselves from botnet attacks, individuals should regularly update their anti-virus software, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files, and practice safe browsing habits while online. Additionally, implementing strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication can help prevent unauthorized access to personal devices.

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Microsoft Identifies Alleged Kelihos Botnet Operator